Chimney Corner Spring Bridal Fayre on Wednesday 13th March from 5pm

Chimney Corner Bridal Fayre
Wednesday 13th March
5pm - 9pm
Delighted to announce the details of our upcoming annual Bridal Fayre, taking place here at Chimney Corner on Wednesday 13th March from 5pm to 9pm. This will be the perfect opportunity for newly-engaged couples to visit the hotel, and see our various suites & rooms beautifully dressed in a selection of bridal styles, not to mention the chance to meet with a fine selection of local wedding suppliers, and our dedicated bridal team who will be on hand throughout to answer any of your questions about getting married at Chimney Corner Hotel.
A huge congratulations to all the brides & grooms-to-be who got engaged over the festive season - we would love to take this opportunity to invite you all along on Wednesday 13th March to see for yourselves why Chimney Corner is your perfect wedding venue. Our various suites will be fully set up in bridal finery, as designed and delivered by the styling companies we work closely with, and you will be able to see first hand just how beautiful the hotel can look on your special day. 
Our rooms offer the ideal solution for your reception and ceremony requirements, providing the perfect setting for small or large guestlists. And our handpicked selection of suppliers, covering everything from dresses & suits to cars, cakes, stationary & flowers, will all be exhibiting examples of their work, and will be on hand to discuss your ideas for your special day. Our wonderful bridal team will be on hand throughout the evening to tell you everything about packages, dates and anything else you may want to know about having your Big Day with us at Chimney Corner.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Chimney Corner Hotel
630 Antrim Road
Northern Ireland
BT36 4RH

Điện Thoại

+44 28 9084 4925


Vị trí

Gọi Chúng Tôi

+44 28 9084 4925

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